Fusion: hos_SplitEXR_V1.3

Updated the plugin with a very small feature request, this needs proper testing to see it works in all possible pipelines. The script now renames the newly created loaders to the channel prefix of the group it contains (so SPEC:specular.camera.R,G,B,A creates a Loader with SPEC as name) visit the original post for the update

I’m not dead!

I feel like i need to post something here, just to let you folks know I’m not lying in a ditch somewhere or jobs are so bad i spend most of my time in some seedy neighborhood giving blow jobs to people just to pay my software subscription fees (actually, i think a drug addiction…

Fusion : hos_SplitEXR v1.2

Updated the hos_SplitEXR script to version 1.2. This version should have the ’attempt to index global ‘tool’ (a nil value)’ error fixed. I still have no idea why this seemingly random error occurred, but adding the extra TOOLST_Clip_FormatName check seems to have fixed it (at least i can’t reproduce it anymore as i could before.)…

Fusion : hos_incrementalSave v1.2

Here’s an update to the incremental save script, for some reason the pattern matching function returned a nil value when a certain file name used (for example ‘vfx_shot_01_31-448.comp’ would break the gsub function somehow.) So, as for changes made in this version : Changed the incremental save file pattern matching. visit the original post for…

Maya : hos_rampColorShift.mel

Here’s another small function that i missed from my experience with Lightwave, it’s a script that allows you to shift the Hue, Saturation and Values of all color keys on the selected ramp node. It has it’s own interface and i had to rewrite the RGB to HSV and the HSV to RGB code as…

Maya : Create Reference multifunctional hotkey

Here’s a small replacement for the default <CTRL> + <r> Create Reference command hot-key that adds some extra functionality. This little function is actually quite simple, but allows one hot-key to do two things. First, if nothing or a non referenced node is selected, the hot-key will simply function as Create Reference always did. However,…

Maya : open Reference in new instance of Maya.

Ever work with lots of references in a scene and you keep opening new instances of Maya to tweak a referenced file as a workaround trying to avoid using the save reference edits because of the (well justified) fear of wrecking a perfectly good referenced asset? Well, no more, here’s a way to add a new…

Fusion : hos_PSDLayers.eyeonscript v1.0

Hi folks, here’s a cleaned up and GUI-ed script that creates a Loader for each Layer in the PSD file and then merges these together or places each of the layers on an individual 3D Image Plane. Here’s a small video explaining the script, sorry for the clickety-clicks in the audio track, i have no…