Fusion : hos_incrementalSave.eyeonscript

Here’s a script that mimics the way Autodesk Maya handles incremental saving of scene files. Basically what it does is create a directory (if it is not already there) called incrementalSave in the directory your comp is located, in the incrementalSave directory another directory is created with the exact same name as your comp (including…

Fusion : HoS_Tonemapper.plugin

Here’s a tonemapping plug-in, still a work on progress. It’s a tonemapper based on the Adaptive Global Luminance mapping as written in the paper ‘Comprehensive Fast Tone Mapping for High Dynamic Range Image Visualization‘ by Jiang Duan, Guoping Qiu and Min Chen. For now i have left out the more complex linear scale histogram equalization…

Fusion : HoS_PixelMapper.plugin

Been working on this plugin last weekend, it does nothing revolutionary, basically it does the same as the default Deep Pixel Texture node, it allows you to map an image to a UV channel render. I wrote the plugin more to learn a bit about the SDK and how the sub pixel sampling functions work…

Fusion : HoS_Negative.plugin

And here it is ladies and gentlemen, the awesomest plug-in ever written by man, 2.5 years of research and programming, over 430.000 lines of code, strap into your seats and hold on: The node, that inverts shit! . download : Hos_Negative

Fusion : HoS_MayaToxic2DMV.plugin

A Fusion plug-in that converts a Maya/MentalRay 2D Motion Vector (2dMVToxik) render pass to a normalized data set that Re:VisionFX’s ReelSmart Motion Blur can us. All you as user need to do, is render out your 2dMVToxik pass as you normally would (either embedded as extra EXR pass or as a single RGB(A) file) and…

Fusion : Toggle_Passthrough.eyeonscript

Created a small script today to alleviate a small niggle i have, namely on a missing feature while working on a comp that became a bit sluggish because of the extensive use of optical flow based nodes, the ability to do quick multiple passthrough toggling by using a sort of pre selected set of nodes.…