Fusion : HoS_MayaToxic2DMV.plugin

A Fusion plug-in that converts a Maya/MentalRay 2D Motion Vector (2dMVToxik) render pass to a normalized data set that Re:VisionFX’s ReelSmart Motion Blur can us. All you as user need to do, is render out your 2dMVToxik pass as you normally would (either embedded as extra EXR pass or as a single RGB(A) file) and…

Fusion : Toggle_Passthrough.eyeonscript

Created a small script today to alleviate a small niggle i have, namely on a missing feature while working on a comp that became a bit sluggish because of the extensive use of optical flow based nodes, the ability to do quick multiple passthrough toggling by using a sort of pre selected set of nodes.…