Fusion : hos_incrementalSave v1.2

Here’s an update to the incremental save script, for some reason the pattern matching function returned a nil value when a certain file name used (for example ‘vfx_shot_01_31-448.comp’ would break the gsub function somehow.) So, as for changes made in this version : Changed the incremental save file pattern matching. visit the original post for…

Fusion : hos_incrementalSave.eyeonscript update

Updated the incremental save script for Fusion to version 1.1. The following changes where made: Creating the backup incremental file now uses the os.rename function to move the file, this worked in Lightwave and seems to behave the same in Fusion, this prevents the DOS box popup on saving. Renamed the script to match our…

Lightwave : hos_incrementalSaveModeler.ls

Here’s a Lightwave Modeler version of the incremental save system we use (finally got some time to clean up the code for release), again, it mimics the way Autodesk Maya does incremental saving. Just download or copy paste into a text editor and save as an .ls file in your Lightwave Plug-in / Lscript folder,…

Fusion : hos_incrementalSave.eyeonscript

Here’s a script that mimics the way Autodesk Maya handles incremental saving of scene files. Basically what it does is create a directory (if it is not already there) called incrementalSave in the directory your comp is located, in the incrementalSave directory another directory is created with the exact same name as your comp (including…