Fusion: hos_SplitEXR 1.8

Moved hos_SplitEXR to github, which might make updating script a whole lot easier. Increased to version 1.8 which hopefully fixes some long standing issues. Hopefully fixed file = nil error some people experienced. Made sure we create a new Loader by using comp.Loader, rather than Loader (which doesn’t seem to work in Fusion 9) Get…

Fusion : hos_PSDLayers 1.6

Here’s a small update to the hos_PSDLayers eyeonscript, this should work in Fusion 8 now as well. What’s new in v1.6: v1.6 Added checksum to see which fusion version is running v1.5 Fixed preference saving, iterating over the table needs to be done using pairs, rather than ipairs visit the original post or download below

Fusion: hos_SplitEXR 1.7

Added a Fusion version check to the script so it should work more reliably (when it detects a version below 7.5 the eyeon module is used, otherwise the bmd module is used.) Again, in order for it to work in Fusion 7 and 6, rename the extension back to .eyeonscript

Fusion: hos_SplitEXR 1.6

Seems like I forget to post this when it was updated (more than a year ago), so, my apologies. This version should work in Fusion 8 (in order for it to work in Fusion 7 and 6, rename the extension back to .eyeonscript)

Fusion : hos_DuplicateTool v1.1

Here’s a small update to the hos_DuplicateTool eyeonscript, seems i forgot to upload the fixed version a while ago. What’s new in v1.1: Added Fusion 7 support by using pairs to iterate over data. visit the original post or download below

Fusion : hos_SaverLister 1.0 (public preview release)

Here’s the public preview release of our hos_SaverLister eyeonscript. It’s a cleanup/rewrite of an in house tool to more easily manage multiple savers in a comp. It allows to toggle pass through, setting start and end render ranges per saver, all from one interface. Installation: download zip, unzip hos_SaverLister.eyeonscript into your Scripts/Comp folder of choice…

Fusion : hos_PSDLayers 1.4

Here’s a small update to the hos_PSDLayers eyeonscript, forgot to fix Fusion 7 support, sorry for that folks. What’s new in v1.4: Added Fusion 7 support by iterating over tables by using ipairs. visit the original post or download below

Fusion: hos_SplitEXR 1.5

Fixed two errors that made the script unusable for everyone using Windows 7,8 or Fusion 7 Fixed the preference saving on Win 7 and 8. This is the same problem that occurs on all tools that use the script preference saving function this tool uses. Added Fusion 7 support by explicitly using ipairs when iterating…

Fusion : hos_PSDLayers 1.3

Here’s a small update to the hos_PSDLayers eyeonscript. What’s new in v1.3: Fixed an error on Win7/8 where a script no longer has permissions on the filesystem to dump the tool settings to any folder other than the user’s home directory. Fixed filmback aspect ratio problem (plane not matching camera fov) visit the original post…

Lightwave Toggle Instances

Simple script that toggles all instance handlers on selected items. Simple tool, but seems to be missing on default Lightwave3D installs. The script is based on part toggle_instance and part bake_instance by Bob Hood. Written in Python (LWPy). Install the script in /LightWave11.x/support/plugins/scripts/Python/Layout/Generic/ or in your script folder you prefer or is used by your pipeline.…